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Chef's Recommendation : Shimane, Yakiniku/Steak

1 - 2 of 2 restaurants

Yakiniku Toraji

焼肉 とらじ

  • Matsue Station, Shimane
  • Yakiniku (Japanese BBQ),Yakiniku/Steak/Yakiniku (Japanese BBQ)/Korean/Beer
Reservation 1 recommendation
Average price
4,000 JPY
[Sunday,Monday,Wednesday - Saturday,Holidays,Day Before Holidays] Dinner 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm (last order 9:30 pm)
English services

The sentences below are translated via Google Translation API.

I recommend this restaurant.

A 10-minute walk from Matsue City Teramachi and Matsue Station [Yakiniku Toraji]. All seats are private rooms, and you can enjoy slowly selected Shimane Wagyu beef. Not to mention that the meat is delicious, but also good customer service, it is recommended because it is very comfortable.Learn more
Yakiniku Shokubo Dandan Tawayamacho, Matsue branch Shuntaro Sumi
Shuntaro Sumi

Yakiniku Oguniya


  • Matsue, Shimane
  • Yakiniku (Japanese BBQ),Yakiniku/Steak/Yakiniku (grilled meat)/Horumon (offal meat)/Naengmyeon (Korean cold noodle)
Reservation 1 recommendation
Average price
3,500 JPY
5:30 pm - 12:30 am
[Weekday] Lunch 11:30 am - 2:30 pm (last order 2:00 pm)
English services
English-speaking staff available.

The sentences below are translated via Google Translation API.

I recommend this restaurant.

A shop that uses carefully selected “good meat”. Local and Wagyu beef are recommended, so you can enjoy cooking slowly because it has a calm atmosphere. A yakiniku restaurant that is retro but stylish. You can go alone and be popular with students. There is also an all-you-can-drink all-you-can-drink course, so you can enjoy quality meat at a reasonable price.Learn more
Shinji Watanabe
Shinji Watanabe
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