Traveling to Japan During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Before departure
Before departure
To shorten the waiting time when entering Japan, travelers (including Japanese residents) are asked for below cooperation:
- Installing government-designated apps: MySOS* (Health and location monitoring app) and COCOA (contact-tracing app)
- Register for Fast Track in the MySOS app to skip some quarantine procedures before entering Japan (optional)
*MySOS can be installed via exclusive link or QR code. For more information, please refer to the following guideline:
Both MySOS and COCOA will be checked when entering Japan.
If you do not own a smartphone, you will be asked to rent one based on Quarantine Act.
For more information:
Pre-registering for quarantine procedures through Fast Track is recommended. Users may skip some quarantine document procedures through MySOS. (The pre-registration must be completed 6 hours before your arrival)
For more information:
Current cross-border travel restrictions in Japan (As of July 10, 2022)
Travelers are to follow the below guidelines to travel to Japan.
- The traveler must be from countries/regions grouped “blue”
- Joining a tour offered by a tour conductor
- Following the guidelines designated by Japan Tourism Agency
To enjoy your travel safely, please follow the precautionary measures to prevent infections.
After arrival
Current quarantine measures (As of July 1, 2022)
Depending on the grouping of countries/regions and possession of vaccination certificates, COVID-19 testing and quarantine measures after arrival may be needed.
There are two types of quarantine:
- Isolation at home
- Isolation at a facility designated by the Chief of the Quarantine Station
*Japanese residents are exempt from the above restriction. Please check the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan for more information.
URL (Japanese):
Precautionary measures during your travel
When using a facility, please choose the place that follows the instructions from each industry and avoid crowded and dense areas.

Precautionary measures in restaurants
Although removing the masks is unavoidable when eating and drinking, please follow the below precautionary measures in restaurants:
- Hand disinfection when entering
- Use spaced seats (or seats with partitions)
- Wear a mask when not eating or drinking

- Transportation
- Japanese Currency/
Credit cards - Weather
- Time difference/
National Holidays - Water/Electricity
- Telephone/
Internet access - Language
- Emergency
- Accommodation
- Traveling to Japan During the COVID-19 Pandemic