Link to our site

リンク先URLは、でお願い致します。以下のバナー・テキストリンクのHTMLソースを、ご利用下さい。 Add the following banner or text to your site with the accompanying HTML source code.

SAVOR JAPAN – Japanese Restaurant Guide 300 x 80 pixels

<!-- begin -->
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="" style="width:300px !important; height:auto !important" alt="SAVOR JAPAN – Japanese Restaurant Guide">
<!-- end -->

SAVOR JAPAN – Japanese Restaurant Guide 300 x 80 pixels
(バナーに背景色は含まれません/Background color not included)

<!-- begin -->
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="" style="width:300px !important; height:auto !important" alt="SAVOR JAPAN – Japanese Restaurant Guide">
<!-- end -->


SAVOR JAPANレストランページの貴店リンクを付ける場合は、HTMLソースの青色の""の後ろに加盟店CD(店舗ページURLの000から始まる10桁の数字)を入れてください。

Adjust the size of the banner by resizing the red numbers in the HTML source. It can be changed to any size. To add a link to your restaurant on the SAVOR JAPAN restaurant page, please include the merchant CD (the 10-digit number beginning with 000 in the URL of the restaurant page) after the blue "" in the HTML source.


<!-- begin -->
<a href="" target="_blank">SAVOR JAPAN – Japanese Restaurant Guide</a>
<!-- end -->